My script to auto-delete Google Maps reviews

Google Maps like much of the web has devolved into an AI generated slurry.

Nowadays every review I leave gets a reply “from” the business which is clearly generated by a machine. All the photos are inevitably going in to train Gemini. And the level-up gamification was fun at first but led to nothing more than endless grinding to reach the next level.

Anyway, I’m out. Have been for a little while. But I’ve left a trail of photos and digital detritus I’d rather clean up.

Google doesn’t have a way to bulk-delete your stuff (for obvious if annoying reasons) so I thought I’d write a little script to do it for me.

We're in Google Maps and there's an automation running to delete photos from the Local Guide section.

The scripts

There’s two scripts, one for photos and one for reviews. They’re pretty naive and need to be restarted from time to time but they should be safe enough.

Huge disclaimer: these will probably get out of date at some point and may not work. You should read and understand the code before you do anything with it.

For photos, make sure you’re on the “Photos” tab of the My Contribution section (see above), then I ran the following in the console:

(async () => {
  const sleep = (time) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,time));
  const go = async () => {
    // click the kebab
    await sleep(200);
    // click the delete menu item
    document.querySelector('#action-menu div[role="menuitemradio"]').click();
    await sleep(200);
    // click the "yes I'm sure" button
    document.querySelector('div[aria-label="Delete this photo?"] button+button,div[aria-label="Delete this video?"] button+button').click();
    await sleep(1500);
    // check if there's any left, and do it all again
    if(document.querySelector('button[jsaction*=""]:not([aria-hidden="true"])')) go();

And for reviews on the reviews tab:

// delete reviews from Google Maps
(async () => {
  const sleep = (time) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve,time));
  const go = async () => {
    // click the kebab
    await sleep(300);
    // find the delete review menu item
    const deleteMenuItem = document.querySelector('#action-menu div[role="menuitemradio"]+div');
    if(deleteMenuItem.textContent.trim() !== 'Delete review') return console.error('wrong menu item', deleteMenuItem.textContent);;
    await sleep(300);
    // click the "yes I'm sure" button
    document.querySelector('div[aria-label="Delete this review?"] button+button').click();
    await sleep(2000);
    // check if there's any left, and do it all again
    if(document.querySelector('button[jsaction*="review.actionMenu"]:not([aria-hidden="true"])')) go();

These are also on Github because my blog code formatting isn’t great. I should fix that up sometime.

What I learned hacking Google Maps (lol)

This code is pretty naive, and breaks a lot. I had to go back in a few times to restart the script, or adjust the timings when something broke. But it got there in the end.

I do appreciate the simplicity of the sleep() function/promiseified setTimeout. This isn’t in the language because it’s generally better to attach some kind of event or observer or do some polling to make sure the app is in the correct state. But in this case I thought it was a fairly elegant way to hack together a script in 5 minutes.

I could make this faster and more stable by implementing some kind of waitUntil(selector) function to await the presence of the menu/dialog in the DOM. But I would also need a waitUntilNot(selector) to wait for the deletion to finish. In any case that’s more complex, and we don’t need to overengineer this.

Anyway, the second script is done now and all my photos and reviews are gone. I’m still somehow a level 6 local guide (down from a level 7) so good for me.

Screenshots from Google Maps: you haven't written any reviews yet, add your photos to Google Maps + Ash is a Local Guide level 6

Dev log: Debugging Safari, an ogre with layers

We’re releasing a WebGL feature soon, and let me tell you Safari has lived up to its reputation as the new Internet Explorer.

We’ve had two big issues:

  1. Safari completely crashes the tab with “a problem repeatedly occurred”
  2. Safari WebGL rendering flickers when scrolling the page

Safari completely crashes the tab with “a problem repeatedly occurred”

The most concerning issue was the Safari crash, which only happened on iOS, not the simulator. I don’t have any iOS devices to test with, so I made the decision to get myself an iPad mini. It’s a write off!

Anyway I’m now the proud owner of a cute lil purple iPad and it still crashes so that’s a good thing, now I can work out how to fix it.

After debugging for way too long, I worked out this was a memory usage issue. Even though Safari runs on some of the most powerful mobile hardware around, it has a hard limit on how much RAM a web page can consume. Even when that page is open. So you can’t make full use of the device in Safari.

My problem had several causes:

  1. I was loading multiple WebGL interactives on page load. Deferring these until the user scrolls them into view helped fix the issue.
  2. I was caching WebGL textures to make the interactive feel snappier. In the end I had to remove all the caching optimisations to get under the Safari memory limit, and now each texture is rendered in realtime when it’s needed.
  3. On top of this, I was hitting an issue with too many layers in Safari causing excessive memory usage.

Compositing layers are created when animation happens in your page. Much like old cel animated films, the browser keeps content that isn’t likely to change in separate layers so it can sandwich animated layers in between, without having to draw everything all over again. For instance a parallax effect will have a background layer and a foreground layer, moving at different speeds.

A pink panther cel animation, showing the panther being lifted off the background.
An example of animation layers drawn on old school cel sheets. The pink panther can be added and removed from the scene without redrawing the layers underneath. Via The Art Professor.

Layers in Safari are created by a number of things, including:

  1. 3d transforms – e.g. -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
  2. the will-change property – (intended to be used as a last resort. It should not be used to anticipate performance problems)
  3. Canvas layers – canvas is designed to be drawn and redrawn at arbitrary times, so the browser keeps it on its own layer.
  4. position:sticky/position:fixed – similar to parallax effects, these are just a part of doing business and we can’t optimise them any further

In our case, we had a number of 3d transforms and unnecessary will-change properties creating extra layers. These were contributing to Safari crashing. Cutting down on these layers stopped our page from crashing.

Safari WebGL rendering flickers when scrolling the page

This one was killing me because I couldn’t reproduce it on the iPad, and I don’t have an iPhone to test on.

This mostly seemed to happen in in-app browsers (like Slack), but this morning a colleague was able to reliably reproduce it in Safari proper, and I was able to reproduce it in the simulator.

It only seemed to happen while scrolling text boxes over the WebGL canvas So my assumption was that something was clearing the canvas without drawing the scene back in. The app is creating a separate offscreen WebGL instance for performing calculations and I assumed it might be some sort of weird race condition.

I tried a number of fixes that didn’t help:

  1. Render every frame, regardless of whether render is needed (i.e. don’t pause rendering when the scene hasn’t changed. Based on this similar bug).
  2. I tried enabling preserveDrawingBuffer in the renderer, because it seemed related. No dice.
  3. Disable anti-aliasing (per this bug, where Mapbox GL and Three.js fight it out in the same WebGL context)
  4. Downgrade to WebGL 1 (instead of 2). I can’t find the original post suggesting this, but it didn’t do anything.

The actual bug in my case was completely unrelated to Three.js.

When the screen resizes, I update the canvas size, the camera aspect, and projection matrix so that the canvas scales to fit its new dimensions:

  resizeToRoot() {
    const rect = this.root.getBoundingClientRect();
    this.renderer.setSize(rect.width, rect.height); = rect.width / rect.height;;

The problem is that this code doesn’t rerender the scene. So after it’s run the frame is left blank until the next requestAnimationFrame runs.

This wasn’t a huge problem, except when the Safari chrome disappears off the page the browser triggers a whole bunch of resizes in rapid succession. These were resizing the scene, and resulted in black frames until the scene rerendered, multiple times per second. And it didn’t happen on the iPad because the chrome never disappears offscreen.

Adding a this.renderer.render() to the resize function was a somewhat inefficient but effective fix.

How I rolled my own vector map tiles

OpenStreetMap is like the Wikipedia of maps. Back in the earlier days I used to love running around gathering data and mapping every neighbourhood I could.

I reckon I contributed a pretty big portion of street names on the north side of Brissie, by riding around on my bike with my Nokia 6120c (great phone!) and a bluetooth GPS dongle, recording all the points of interest like a pro, to upload to the map when I got home.

It was a great hobby at the time, when vast swathes of Australia were completely blank. Now OpenStreetMap is pretty feature complete, it’s used everywhere.

A short history of maps as a web developer

Back in those days the state of the art for web mapping was the tile-based “Slippy Map”.

Everyone used it, even Google Maps. You’d essentially have a Javascript frontend to let visitors zoom and scroll the map like you do today. But on the server a process would convert all the OpenStreetMap geodata into standardised image tiles (raster tiles).

Tiles were commonly created at 256×256 pixels, and were rendered at zoom levels from 0 (the whole world in one tile) down to zoom level 19 where the world would take up 274.9 billion tiles.

A map of Australia and surrounding nations, split into a 256 pixel grid

This was generally an on-demand process as rendering so many tiles would be infeasible. Ridiculous. Absurd. I can tell you this because I tried a couple of times. Not for the whole world, but a few times I’d tried to scrape, render, cache the entire of Brisbane for assorted projects.

Eventually Mapbox came along with an easy-to-use interface on top of the open source data, and reasonable enough pricing to make it worth switching over.

I gave a talk a decade ago about the cool stuff people were doing with maps, and that included plenty of Mapbox evangelism.

Later Mapbox standardised the Mapbox vector tile format which had a lot of benefits over the older raster tiles.While a raster tile could be styled to look however you want on the server, a vector tile could be styled on the client-side. That meant the same tile could power a hundred different map styles, even dynamically on the client-side. In addition, vector data makes things like animating between zoom levels look great. Generally, a huge step forward.

The new OpenGL map library was released to take advantage of these benefits and it unlocked a lot of really high quality maps for the masses.

By this point high quality maps were par for the course and radical innovation in the space kind of flattened out.

My opinion of Mapbox turned when they went the way of every venture backed startup; got involved in union busting, closed-sourced their tools and started turning the money dial up. 

That’s when I started playing with maps again.

Cycling maps

Since at least 2010 I’ve maintained in some form or another, and always one of the main features has been maps to show safe routes and how infrastructure connects up.

I’ve gone through phases of running my own tile server, using statically rendered tiles, and third party map services including Mapbox (who can’t do very good cycling maps fyi). But recently I figured I’d go back to rendering my own.

I don’t remember where I spotted tilemaker, but it has such a sweet looking website that it inspired me to have a go at building my own vector tiles. It wasn’t as easy as the website led me to believe, but after lots of trial and error, some coding in lua to get the right properties out, I managed to get a decent looking cycling map out of it.

A map of Brisbane. It's fairly desaturated, except for the green cycleways and bike lanes everywhere.

I largely followed the instructions from Wouter van Kleunen’s how-to blog post, then:

  1. extended it by customising the lua processor to pull out more cycling attributes (and skip attributes I wasn’t interested in.
  2. styled the map using a standard json map style, but I also processed that on the client-side to add more repetitive things like road casings. You can check out the code here. (edit 2024: apparently maputnik lets you create style json in a graphical way)
  3. Set up a small Docker machine to serve mbtiles (dockerfile source)

The result is pretty cool.

It’s very fast because it’s hosted in Brisbane for a Brisbane audience, so the map tiles don’t need to transit the globe before being displayed.

The tiles themselves are optimised pretty well and allow me to tweak the styles in almost real time. There’s still a few weird bits, but I reckon it’s a good base layer to add stuff to, like geojson routes (check out the brisbane valley rail trail).

So that’s it from me. You can check out the map at or check out some of the cycling trips in Brisbane for more.

The easiest way to validate email in React

Email validation is one of those things conventional frontend wisdom says to steer clear of, because:

  1. the endless complexity in how email works and
  2. because even if an email looks valid, it might not exist on the remote server.

This is backend territory.


We can hijack the browser’s built-in email validation in <input type="email"> fields to give the user a better experience.

CSS validation

At the simplest, <input type="email"> fields expose :valid and :invalid pseudo selectors.

We can change the style of our inputs when the email is invalid:

  border-color: red;

Nice. Zero lines of Javascript. This is by far the best way to do form validation in the year ${year}.

Plain Javascript email validation

The constraints validation API exposes all of this same built-in browser validation to Javascript.

To check if your email is valid in plain JS:

const emailField = document.querySelector('.myEmailInput');
const isValid = emailField.validity ? !emailField.validity.typeMismatch : true;

This works in all the latest browsers and falls back to true in those that don’t support the API.

React email validation hook

Lol just kidding, you don’t need a hook. Check this out:

const [emailIsValid, setEmailIsValid] = useState(false);

return <input
  onChange={e => setEmailIsValid( ? ! : true)}

We can use the same native JS dom API to check the validity of the field as the user types.

This is by far the fastest way to validate email in react, requires almost no code, and kicks all the responsibility back to the browser to deal with the hard problems.

More form validation

Email validation is hard, and all browsers have slightly different validation functions.

But for all the complexity of email validation, it’s best to trust the browser vendor implementation because it’s the one that’s been tested on the 4+ billion internet users out there.

For further reading, MDN has great docs for validating forms in native CSS and Javascript code.

You should also inspect the object for clues to what else you can validate using native browser functions.

It’s a brave new world, friends.

Why are React PropTypes inconsistently named?

I'm reasonably new to PropTypes in my React code and I'm always messing up the naming.

Sure "number" and "string" are easy enough, but why are "function" and "boolean" in a different format to all the others?

PropTypes cheat sheet

According to the Typechecking with PropTypes article the following types are available:

array primitive type
bool primitive type
func primitive type
number primitive type
object primitive type
string primitive type
symbol primitive type
node Anything that can be rendered: numbers, strings, elements, etc.
element An instance of a React component
elementType An element constructor (I think)
instanceOf(x) An instance of class _x_
One of the given values
One of the given types
An array of the given types
An object with certain property types
  a: PropTypes.string
An object of a given shape
  a: PropTypes.string
An object that exact matches the given shape

Why "func" and "bool", not "function" and "boolean"?

I'm always tripped up on the spelling of "func" and "bool". Mainly because the rest of the PropTypes use full names whereas these two don't.

After asking on Twitter, a few folks suggested it might be to avoid Javascript symbol names

But that still didn't answer the question because while "function" is a reserved token in Javsascript, "boolean" definitely isn't.

Eg. assigning to function throws:

> const function = 'error';
const function = 'error';

SyntaxError: Unexpected token function

But assigning to Boolean is totally fine:

> const boolean = 'truly an allowed keyword';
> boolean
'truly an allowed keyword'
> Boolean(boolean)

Further, these tokens are both allowed in an object definition:

> const ParpToots = { function: 1, boolean: 2 }
> ParpToots.function

The plot thickens

I wasn't really happy with the answers I was getting, so I did some Googling.

The search came up empty until I stumbled on this question on the PropTypes Github issue tracker from 2017:

Hi, I've searched a bit in the Readme and in the issues here, I did not find why we do not use Proptypes.function and Proptypes.boolean like we do for object (vs. obj), etc.

Why the shortnames? Are they reserved words? If not, it would be nice to create aliases maybe for these two ones no?

Which was followed up a few hours later with the answer:

Yes, you can't do const { function, bool } = PropTypes in JS because they're reserved words.

Which… is a little more satisfying.

Except we've already shown boolean isn't a reserved word. So what's going on? 🤔

boolean: a reserved word in ES3

Having found the reason why PropTypes doesn't use boolean, I needed to connect the dots. Why is it considered a reserved word?

I eventually landed on the MDN Docs on Javascript lexical grammar which lists the full set of reserved words for Javascript, as well as some previously reserved words from older specs.

And wouldn't you know; there's boolean sitting in a list of "future reserved words" from the ECMAScript Language Specification edition 3, direct from the year 2000.

7.5.3 Future Reserved Words

The following words are used as keywords in proposed extensions and are therefore reserved to allow for the possibility of future adoption of those extensions.

abstract enum       int       short
boolean  export     interface static
byte     extends    long      super
char     final      native    synchronized
class    float      package   throws
const    goto       private   transient
debugger implements protected volatile
double   import     public

The bingo card of Javascript features

Looking at the list there's a good mix of keywords that eventually made it into the spec. const, class, import, all big ticket items.

"boolean", however, was eventually removed from the list and is no longer reserved.

I'm not sure what it would have been for, but alongside "int" and "short" you could wager it was intended to be part of a fully typed Javascript spec.

In fact, peering through history I found a bunch of resources around typed Javascript as early as 2000 (Microsoft had an optionally typed implementation of JScript for .NET 🤯), and there's some fascinating papers from around 2005 that talk about what sounds a lot like modern day Typescript.

Whatever alternate history we avoided, "boolean" is no longer a reserved word. Regardless, it left its legacy on the PropTypes package and many a Failed prop type: prop type is invalid error in our consoles.

Vue & React lifecycle method comparison

🤔 This is a slightly older post. It deals with Vue 2 and React class components. This is probably not what you need if you’re building a new app today.

React and Vue both have fairly well defined lifecycle events which we can use to successfully navigate the mysteries of the virtual DOM.

So without further ado, let’s get down to the React vs Vue lifecycle events smackdown!

Vue and React fighting in an animated fashion. A caption reads "Bam!"

Vue lifecycle events visualised

The following demo logs out the Vue lifecycle events when a component mounts and updates.

It’s actually a fairly nice API in that everything is consistently named, even if not all of the events are strictly useful.

Vue lifecycle events on codepen

React lifecycle events visualised

React is actually the more esoteric of the two in terms of naming, but actually offers more powerful functionality (such as my particular favourite, shouldComponentUpdate).

Vue lifecycle events on codepen

Component mount compared

The basic workflow for a component is pre-mount → render → mount.

Vue has more events, whereas React is more Javascripty with an actual ES constructor.

constructorbeforeCreateRoughly synonymous with each other. The constructor sets up the React class, whereas Vue handles the class creation for you.
dataSet data. Vue recursively converts these properties into getter/setters to make them “reactive”.
createdData observation, computed properties, methods, watch/event callbacks have been set up.
beforeMountRight before the mounting begins: the render function is about to be called for the first time.
getDerivedStateFromPropsInvoked right before calling the render method. It should return an object to update the state, or null to update nothing.
renderrenderThe virtual DOM is rendered and inserted into the actual DOM.
componentDidMountmountedThe component is now mounted. We can make any direct DOM manipulations at this point.

We can see from our lifecycle that the perfect time to hook into the process is once the component has been mounted (in React’s componentDidMount or Vue’s mounted event).

Component update compared

Component update generally follows a pre-update → render → updated workflow. Easy!

getDerivedStateFromPropsSame as when mounting.
shouldComponentUpdateLet React know if a component’s output is not affected by the current change in state or props. We can use this to prevent React blowing away our changes.
beforeUpdateCalled when data changes, before the DOM is patched.
renderrenderThe virtual DOM is rendered and patched into the actual DOM.
getSnapshotBeforeUpdateRight before the most recently rendered output is committed to the DOM. Lets you save the previous state of the DOM for use after the component has updated.
componentDidUpdateupdatedAfter the DOM has been updated

Component unmount compared

When your component is removed from the page, sometimes you need to remove event handlers or clean up after any manual DOM manipulation.

deactivatedWhen using Vue keep-alive, the component is removed from the page but not destroyed so that we can load it again later without the overhead of component mount.
activatedThe previously deactivated component is reactivated.
componentWillUnmountbeforeDestroyWhen a component is being removed from the DOM
destroyedThe component is completely gone.

Handling errors

This is something I’ve not looked too much into, but it’s possible to catch errors from child components and change the render accordingly.

This would be most useful for a top-level component (above the routes, maybe) to show an “Aw Snap” error message into your app and stop the error bubbling up.

errorCapturedAn error occurred in a child component.


Each has their own benefits, neither is objectively better or worse. Personally I prefer the Vue naming, but prefer the power of the React API.

After pulling this info together I’m really interested to try out Vue’s keep-alive for render-intensive jobs. It’s a cool feature I didn’t know existed.

I’m also excited to play with component-level error handling, especially for larger apps. It makes a lot of sense to catch errors in the framework rather than waiting for them to bubble up to the global error handler 😅

Anyway, hope this was helpful. I learned something.

My Twitter ad blocking experiment, DOM manipulation in someone else’s React app

Twitter as a platform is pretty neat. Twitter as a company… has its problems.

A while back they started showing ads into my timeline, which is something I'm really not here for. I would gladly pay a fee not to have that because I love the platform, but y'know. Corporate bullshit 🙄

So I've been taking it out on the advertisers audacious enough to target me, by blocking them. Apple? Blocked. Amazon? Blocked. Intel? You betcha you're gonna git blocked.

Despite my best efforts it got to the point where I was getting way too many ads to keep up with, so I decided to write a script to do it automatically.

TL/DR: I just want to install the ad blocker extension

There's an extension you can install to auto-block Twitter advertisers (providing you're using the mobile site). You can get this for:

Update 2019: I've taken it down because it stopped working.

Automating actions in someone else's react site 🤔

I mainly use the mobile Twitter site because it's way faster than desktop, but it's one of those sites that use post processing to munge class names. So instead of seeing nice
<div class="tweet"> HTML, you get something more akin to <div class="rn-1oszu61 rn-1efd50x rn-14skgim rn-rull8r []…]">

This makes it insanely difficult to automate the process of finding an ad and
blocking it. I'm not sure what ad blockers are doing, but this requires some
pretty specific DOM selection to get working.

There's two approaches you could take:

  1. Loop through all the <div> elements on the page until you find one with the
    text you're looking for. Eg. "promoted".
  2. Use weirdly specific selectors that get the job done, almost by chance.

Despite making fun on Twitter I chose the latter, because Twitter uses inline SVG elements, which means we can find promoted tweets by querying for the presence of certain SVG paths. It's completely absurd and I think React is criminally negligent for making this a standard practice.

Here's the two main selectors I'm using to find interface elements on Twitter mobile:

// The "promoted icon"
const adSelector =
  'path[d="M20.75 2H3.25A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 1 4.25v15.5A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 3.25 22h17.5A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 23 19.75V4.25A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 20.75 2zM17.5 13.504a.875.875 0 1 1-1.75-.001V9.967l-7.547 7.546a.875.875 0 0 1-1.238-1.238l7.547-7.547h-3.54a.876.876 0 0 1 .001-1.751h5.65c.483 0 .875.39.875.874v5.65z"]';

// The dropdown chevron
const dropdownSelector =
  'path[d="M20.207 7.043a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0L12 13.836 5.207 7.043a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 1.414l7.5 7.5a.996.996 0 0 0 1.414 0l7.5-7.5a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414z"]';

The remainder of the extension is fairly straightforward. Find stuff, click stuff, you know the deal. If you're interested in having a play with it yourself, you can check it out and give it some stars on Github.

Dates & Formatting in Javascript

Dates and Javascript haven't traditionally been very nice. The
Date object
is the only real API for managing dates and code to deal with it can be extremely verbose.

Parsing dates with Javascript

Parsing dates has traditionally been difficult with the Date object only supporting non-standardised inputs dependent on the browser:

RFC 2822
Sat Apr 12 2014 12:22:00 GMT+1000
Unix timestamp

But with ECMAScript 5 we can also parse ISO 8601 dates, which gives us a little more leeway. From the MDN date docs:

simplified extended ISO format (ISO 8601) is always 24 or 27 characters long
(YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ or ±YYYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ, respectively). The timezone is always zero UTC offset, as denoted by the suffix "Z".

To parse a date in plain Javascript, you can now pass a well formed ISO8601 string to the constructor:

var dIso = new Date('2014-04-12T12:22:00.000+10:00');
var dRfc = new Date('Sat Apr 12 2014 12:22:00 GMT+1000');
var dUnix = new Date(1397269320000);

All the above will all return a valid date. Note that the Unix timestamp is in milliseconds. If you're trying to read a Unix timestamp in seconds you may need to multiply it by 1000.

Update: Turns out Safari is a laggard with ISO 8601 dates and like IE8, can't parse them at all. If you need ISO8601 dates on the client, you'll have to resort to either a custom solution or something like moment.js which supports parsing them.

Formatting dates in Javascript

The problem of formatting dates in a particular way in Javascript is difficult. If you wanted to print a basic YYYY-MM-DD timestamp you could do something like the following, but you'd also have to implement logic around padding zeroes and incrementing the zero-based month and the syntax for the most basic notation is horrible. It's no fun.

var d = new Date();
return d.getYear() + '-' + (d.getMonth+1) + '-' + d.getDay();
// 2014-4-12

One of the better libraries for managing dates in Javascript is Moment.js, which brings slick chainable date handling to the browser (or node). The main downfall is that it’s quite heavy, but when you need to be able to manipulate a lot of dates it’s totally worth it.

Our previous example can be condensed into the following:

return moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');

Moment has some other sweet features, particularly around date parsing and manipulation so you should definitely check it out.

Specific date formats in JS and Moment

While we're at it, here's a cheat sheet of specific date formats you may need to use in JS.

Date Raw JS Moment
RFC 2822 myDate.toUTCString() moment().format('ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ')
ISO 8601 myDate.toISOString()* moment().toISOString()
Unix Timestamp Number(myDate) moment().valueOf()

Note that the native Date.toISOString method was introduced in ECMAScript 5, so only works in IE 9 and above.

Isometric Tile Transforms

It might require a bit of initial thinking, but I'm sure it would be worth it.

I’m debating with myself whether to make my game engine pseudo-3D, using transforms and masks and whatnot to generate and texture isometric tiles.

On one hand there’s something to be said for tile-based systems to have every graphic meticulously crafted by a master designer, but on the other hand, I’m not that designer. It’d be so much easier to slap a grass texture down and transform it to match a programmatic grid. Maybe adjust the brightness to simulate lighting, then cache that sucker to achieve decent performance and move on to the next tile.

I think it’s feasible. It would allow for much easier creation of game elements such as hills and height, walls, roads, and so many more cool things. It’s also a total departure from my original idea of a traditional isometric game engine, but once it’s implemented it would make things way easier for both myself and anyone who wanted to create a map in the future because one high resolution texture could be used for countless tile combinations.

I think I’m going to give it a try, because if nothing else it’s a damn cool idea.

SVG and Canvas Transformation Matricies

Both SVG and HTML5 Canvas have basic transformations such as rotation and scaling, but they also have a more advanced “transformation matrix” mode which lets you do more complex transformations. I’m not pretending to understand it properly.

A transformation matrix has six parameters, named A—F. A lot of the documentation I found on them wasn’t particularly useful, so here’s my take on how each value works:

NameDescriptionDefault ValueExplanation
awidth11 equals 100%. A value of -1 would mirror image the object on the left hand side. .5 would halve the width, and 2 would double it, etc.
bY axis shear0A positive value shears the object downward on the righthand edge.
cX axis shear0A positive value shears the object rightward on the bottom edge.
dheight1Similar in operation to a, above.
ex offset0Offset the object on the x axis.
fy offset0Offset the object on the y axis.

So for instance, if you wanted to create an isometric tile from an image, you could use the following transform:


This would keep the same width, shear both axis by 50% effectively rotating the image 45°, and halve the height giving us our iconic half-height isometric tile.

Some other transformations relevant to isometric game tiles might might include:

matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0)No change.
matrix(1,-.5,1,.5,0,0)Square sheared into half-height isometric tile.
matrix(1,-1,1,.5,0,0)Sheared into a leftwards isometric incline.
matrix(1,1,-1,.5,0,0)Sheared into a rightwards isometric incline.
matrix(1,0,1,.5,0,0)Sheared into a leftwards isometric decline.
matrix(1,0,-1,.5,0,0)Sheared into a rightwards isometric decline.

You’ll notice that the output tiles are significantly larger than would be generated with a straight out rotate and scale. You may need to add an additional scale operation to adjust the size of these tiles to fit your game board.

Putting it Together

Once you put these tiles together, you start to get an idea of how we can use canvas (or SVG) matricies to create isometric tiles for your game.

Using transforms to create game images makes tiles click into place like lego.

If you wanted to play around with transforms with a visual tool, you could check out Inkscape, the best vector editor in the world. The matrix transformation sidebar is found by clicking the menus Object , Transform, then clicking the “Matrix” tab.